Dalam Women’s March 2018 di Salatiga, Federasi Mahasiswa Libertarian (FML) menyerukan digunakannya aksi langsung kekerasan terhadap segala macam bentuk represi seksual di Indonesia. Hal ini merupakan respon atas RKUHP yang dinilai akan merugikan kelompok perempuan dan kelompok gender termarjinalkan lainnya. Selain itu, seruan ini juga merupakan respon atas kebangkitan kelompok ultra-nasionalis dan fundamentalis Islam yang menjadi polisi moral atas segala kegiatan seksual, juga bentuk otonomi dan solidaritas terhadap penanganan kasus-kasus kekerasan seksual di luar campur tangan hukum dan kepolisian.
FML’s call for direct violence
In Women’s March 2018 in Salatiga, the Libertarian Student Federation (FML) called for the direct use of violence against all forms of sexual repression in Indonesia. This is a response to the RKUHP which is considered to be detrimental to the women’s group and other marginalized gender groups. In addition, this call is also a response to the rise of ultra-nationalist and Islamic fundamentalists who became the moral police for all sexual activities, as well as a form of autonomy and solidarity with regard to the handling of cases of sexual violence outside the intervention of law and police.